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Sacred Pregnancy
for expecting mamas, couples & families

This is an invitation to dedicate a special time and space during your prengancy journey in order to connect with your body, your baby, your partner and other expecting parents.

Space is held with care for you to explore topics and questions that naturally arise when preparing for birth and beyond.

These circles are offered as mini circles to cover 1 topic or as a day-long event to explore various aspects which can support you in feeling prepared for your birthing experience as well as your parenthood path with serenity, confidence and awareness.

These spaces are especially appropriate for, but not entirely limited to, ...

- Expecting Mamas

- Expecting Couples

- as a Family Experience with siblings

- as a Personalized Circle with your support group (often called a Blessingway, inspired from the Native American ceremony to honor the Rite of Passage that is Birth)

Examples of Themes & Activities that we can explore together


° Sacred Space & Connections : Learn meditation and re-centering basics + Create an object for your personal practice space + Choose authentic heart to heart connections in your life


° Expectations : Consciously choose positive, uplifting messages for birth & parenting + Tap into your heart’s intuitive wisdom


° Food + Body Image : Conscious cooking and eating practices + Claim your unique beauty and feel empowered in your body


° Fears : Honor your past, your experiences, your growth and participate in a Release Ritual in order to free up space in your mind, heart and life for more love and joy


° Forgiveness : Rip & Release Ritual to transform past hurts into nurturing energy for growth and learning + Create your “Spirit Stick” power object


° Honoring : Each mama receives a blissful moment of being pampered and loved on + Belly painting


° Celebration : We close our sacred space with personal intentions and collective blessings with the Salt Bowl

You can contact me directly via email or telephone to know more about how my experience and resources can support you.

If no dates are announced, I'd love to hear from you and see if we can organize a session upon request keeping in mind your favorite themes and activites !

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